Justice for Trafficking Victims
This morning at a special breakfast convened by Richard Aborn and the Citizens Crime Commission, New York State Chief Judge Jonathan Lippman announced a new initiative designed to improve how the courts handle cases involving victims of human trafficking. The centerpiece of the initiative is a series of human trafficking intervention courts that will attempt to aid women arrested on prostitution charges, offering them the prospect of non-criminal case dispositions and providing them with the kinds of specialized services needed to escape life on the streets.
These new courts will build on a foundation established by the Midtown Community Court, where we've been attempting to forge a new approach to prostitution cases that relies on trauma-informed care as an alternative to jail. For more on our work with this vulnerable population, check out Prostitution Diversion Programs, a pamphlet written by Danielle Malangone, Sarah Schweig, and Miriam Goodman.